Sen Çal Kapımı will be Aired in the US soon !
The Turkish Tv series Sen Çal Kapımı Will Be Aired In The US. Sen Çal Kapımı, which attracted great attention in the period it was published in Turkey and broke the record for sharing on social media on the day it made the final, will be published in another country very soon. Sen Çal Kapımı will soon meet with the US audience.
The TV series Sen Çal Kapımı, which made Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin‘s biggest debut in their careers and carried their names around the world, will soon begin airing in the USA as well. US viewers will be able to watch the TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı” on Telemundo channel.
Sen Çal Kapımı has also been sold to Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Peru and Puerto Rico. With all these countries, the number of countries where Sen Çal Kapımı will be aired will reach 85.

Sen Çal Kapımı, which created a big event not only in Turkey but also in many countries of the world, ended on Fox TV screens with its 52nd episode on September 8, 2021. His farewell was magnificent.
Keeping its place among the most talked about Twitter, Sen Çal Kapımı also broke Game of Thrones’ world tweet record of 7.8 million as a series with nearly 9 million tweets in a single day. Sen Çal Kapımı managed to take place on the agenda of the world and 38 countries.

Thus, almost half of the world will have watched the TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı”, which will be broadcast in 85 countries.
de #EdSer estava apenas começando em vários outros lugares, como África do Sul, Líbano e Estados Unidos. Até na Espanha, onde a série já finalizou sua exibição, o canal Divinity recentemente
de #EdSer estava apenas começando em vários outros lugares, como África do Sul, Líbano e Estados Unidos. Até na Espanha, onde a série já finalizou sua exibição, o canal Divinity recentemente
de #EdSer estava apenas começando em vários outros lugares, como África do Sul, Líbano e Estados Unidos. Até na Espanha, onde a série já finalizou sua exibição, o canal Divinity recentemente