The love of Akkiz and Batuga started in Destan!
The love of Akkiz and Batuga, the beloved duo of the Destan series, finally started. The new phenomenon of the screens, ‘Destan’, met with the audience on the ATV screen with its highly anticipated fifteenth episode, was watched with great interest and took its place at the top of social media.
While ‘Destan’, which is widely talked about on social media with the #SevdamızınGücü hashtag, ranked third in Turkey’s agenda, it also managed to enter the agendas of Germany, Serbia, Greece, Chile, Algeria, Albania and Morocco.

In the fifteenth chapter of the Destan, the Alps of Balamir raided the Mountain Obes. Akkız, Batuga, Saltuk, Çolpan Hatun, Sırma, Yaman, Tutkun and Dağbanlar; Although they responded to Balamir’s crowded Alps but suffered losses, Akkız’s clever move forced Balamir’s Alps to retreat. Akkız cut the stab wound of Esen, who infected Mountain Obasi with scallops, with a knife, took the bloody knife from the girl’s arm and scratched Balamir’s neck, and infected Balamir with the scavenger microbe. Shocked, Balamir had to stop his Alps by going out of the tent, despite all their resistance.

The fifteenth chapter of the ‘Destan’ was marked by the fact that Çolpan Hatun gave the relics of the Talisman to Batuga and that Batuga’s warrior cloak, sword, bow and fox inherited from his mother, to Akkız and asked him to carry it. Batuga, whose eyes were full of tears, said, “Your war cloaks remained in the Sky Palace. Will you carry his legacy? His words cause Akkız to fill her eyes. Akkız says “I proudly carry Batuga Tegin” and pulls Talsim Hatun’s robe to her chest and hugs her as if it were a great treasure.

The moment Batuga and Akkız get closer, the leader of the Sabars, Manço, lets Kırçiçek and Çalayır escape, whom he thinks will take him to Claw. Manço comes to Dağ Obası after Kırçiçek and Çalayır. Manço “Without Kırçiçek! I want Claw! Give me the claw” angers Batuga. Akkız, who got angry with Kırçiçek after Batuga’s words “There is no claw”, emerges by saying “There is”. While Batuga was tense from his nervous breakdown, Akkız said, “Are you calling me because I defeated you, Manço wild? “ to the words of Manco: “No! If this limp Tegin hadn’t knocked me out, I would have said it when you robbed my caravan! I will call you to take you to your mother, daughter of Evren Alp!” His saying terrifies Akkız and Batuga, and shocks the whole tribe.