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Destan’s final episode date has been announced!

The release date of the highly anticipated final episode of "Destan", starring Ebru Sahin and Edip Tepeli, has been announced. The final episode, which was shot in the past days, will meet the audience on ATV on Thursday evening and bid

Will the Destan series make the final?

Will the Destan series make the final? It was decided that the "Destan" series of ATV, in which Ebru Sahin played the leading role, would continue in the new season. Moreover, in September, it was a matter of curiosity whether Oktay

Destan 22nd Episode Photos and Summary

Destan 22nd episode photos and summary have been published. The Destan series continues to come to the screen with new episodes. In the new episodes of the series, 3 new actors were included in the cast of the series. Destan 22nd