Masumlar Apartmani (The Innocents) Makes its Finale After 4 Episodes
It was stated that the popular TV series of TRT 1, Masumlar Apartmani (The Innocents), starring Ezgi Mola, Birkan Sokullu and Merve Dizdar, will make the final. So, when will the Masumlar Apartmani (The Innocents), where the director of the series Çağrı Vila Lostuvalı gave the final signals with his post in the past weeks, will make the final?
Masumlar Apartmani (The Innocents) series, which met with the audience on TRT screens, starring Ezgi Mola, Birkan Sokullu, Merve Dizdar and Aslıhan Gürbüz, has undoubtedly become one of the most popular TV series of recent years.
The series, inspired by Dr. Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu’s novel “The Inside of the Medallion”, had stormed for a long time. Safiye, Gülben, Naci, Esat, Han, İnci, Neriman… We embraced every character and felt their emotions within ourselves.
In the latest trailer of Masumlar Apartmani (The Innocents), it was stated that the last 4 episodes of the series remained, and the final decision was reported to the audience.
Masumlar Apartmani (The Innocents), where the characters in the series went viral with their performances on social media, upset their fans with the final decision. The popular series of TRT 1 screens, Masumlar Apartmani (The Innocents), determined the finale as the 71st episode.